Justin Bieber Ft. Busta Rhymes ‘Drummer Boy’ Destroys a Classic
Justin Bieber just destroyed a classic Christmas song. First of all his voice, when he's singing the hook is just plain horrible, it sounds completely forced. Now his rapping ( if it can even be considered that) was dead awful. His flow was so dull and lyrics were so damn pathetic, I just cringed hearing him even try.
Now the only good thing I can say about this song was Busta, he's just an amazing rapper. His lyrics were alright, wasn't expecting much in the first place since the song was already doomed with Bieber. But, he just picked it up and made me actually like it a bit, then Justin is back and I kind of die inside
I have no idea what Busta was thinking to collaborate with Justin but it was a very horrible move. This song is just downright stupid!
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