PETA India Wants Lady Gaga to Wear A Lettuce Dress!

PETA India has a borderline unusual request of our favorite pop singer Lady Gaga . . . they want her to wear a dress made of lettuce. Yum!

Indian animal rights activists have asked Mother Monster if she would be so kind as to not only embrace a vegetarian lifestyle while she spends time in India, but also pose in a dress made of lettuce. The dress (I shall now refer to it as Project Salad) and photo shoot would be organized by PETA India, and serve as a statement to promote the importance of not eating meat.

Gaga is part of a gaggle of celebs honored with helping India unveil its first ever Formula 1 Grand Prix Race.

“If she agrees, we’ll make her a dress entirely of lettuce and held together by pins and threads. It will be a full length gown, and we’ll make sure it looks sexy,” says Sachin Bangera of PETA India.

As most of Gaga’s fashion statements, Project Lettuce would be a labor of love. Each lettuce leaf would have to be painstakingly attached to her body, and secured carefully with string and pins. It would take an estimated 5-6 hours.

Oh, and don’t worry about the lettuce wilting, folks. There would be a person (probably a super excited one) spraying it with life-giving water. . .

Cheers to Gaga and her new dress. I hope she goes through with it (I’m sure she will)! If she does, we will of course post pictures!

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